Lee: Obama ignored Constitution

Feb 6, 2012

In drafting the Constitution and establishing our nation’s system of government, the Founding Fathers carefully instituted a system of checks and balances among the three coequal branches of government — executive, legislative and judicial.

Stop Politicizing Payroll Taxes

Jan 31, 2012

To combat the President's shrewd political scheme and give Americans some level of economic certainty, Republicans in the House and the Senate must move swiftly to enact a full-year extension of the payroll tax cut.

Sen. Lee: Avoiding the Trojan horse BBA

Nov 15, 2011

Not all balanced-budget amendments are created equal, as the American people are about to find out. The recent deal that raised the debt limit and created the so-called supercommittee mandates that both houses of Congress vote on a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to balance the federal budget.

Tapping America's Energy Future

Oct 25, 2011

President Obama has spent weeks telling Congress to pass his flawed second stimulus bill, which he erroneously believes will put Americans back to work with another round of wasteful government spending on bloated programs and failed investments. Noticeably absent from the president’s agenda, however, is a significant push to tap more of our vast natural resources in order to expand domestic energy production and achieve energy independence for the first time in decades. To simply ignore the potential that lies beneath American soil is to handicap the nation’s economic future.

DASH Act: Small Piece of the Immigration Puzzle

Oct 25, 2011

The American agricultural industry is critical to the stability of our nation’s economy. Unfortunately, few Americans are willing to work in many agricultural jobs, and outdated visa laws prevent business from attracting temporary foreign workers to fill the shortage.

Managing the Prairie Dog in Iron County

Oct 3, 2011

During August, I had an opportunity to see up close and personal just how damaging the prairie dog has been to certain portions of southern Utah. Both public and private lands have been affected and Utahns are right to demand that local and state officials do something about it.

Obama's unserious plans are losing the future

Sep 27, 2011

In consecutive weeks, President Obama has presented two painfully unserious and economically misguided proposals. The first, his $450 billion "American Jobs Act," is another stimulus proposal, based on the ill-conceived notion that more government spending is the answer to what ails the economy. The second is the president's plan to raise taxes by $1.5 trillion on American job creators. Both plans are a far cry from "winning the future," as the president claims on the campaign trail.

A Pro-Growth Jobs Agenda

Sep 21, 2011

President Obama began and ended his speech last Thursday by correctly identifying America's unemployment problem as a crisis that deserves urgent action by Congress. After two and a half years, it's encouraging that the President finally recognizes the true magnitude of our job shortage. Unfortunately the President's proposal was a predictably disappointing iteration of the failed economic prescriptions he offered in 2009.

Congress Needs Structural Reform

Aug 30, 2011

There is very little accountability in Washington when it comes to how the federal government spends taxpayer money. Having watched how things work from the outside, I was frustrated at the obvious waste and abuse of Americans’ hard-earned dollars. The system looked like it was intentionally set up so Congress and the President could continually find ways to put off difficult decisions.

Washington doesn't know best

Aug 29, 2011

It's well past time to have a spirited debate over the proper role of government, and the proper reach of government into our lives. Clearly, there are two very different visions for what this role should be.