Press Releases

Sen. Lee Celebrates Pioneer Day with 2nd Annual Taste of Utah

Jul 25, 2018

WASHINGTON - This evening, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and the Utah delegation celebrated Pioneer Day and Utah’s continued pioneering and industrious spirit at the 2nd Annual Taste of Utah in Washington, D.C. This year’s event hosted over 500 attendees who learned about, enjoyed product from, and interacted with business owners from over 20+ Utah businesses representing food, manufacturing, and more.

Sen. Lee Introduces Constitutionally Sound Tort Reform

Jul 20, 2018

“For too long, trial lawyers have been able to manipulate the diversity jurisdiction rules to deny litigants their day in federal court,” Sen. Lee said. “By creating a minimal diversity requirement consistent with the vision of the very first Congress, this bill increases out-of-state litigants access to the federal courts for major controversies. By returning to first principles, we can increase both fairness and efficiency in the civil litigation system.”

Sen. Lee Meets with Judge Kavanaugh

Jul 18, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Wednesday after meeting with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “It was a pleasure meeting Judge Kavanaugh today,” Sen. Lee said. “His insight into the current state of the law and the Constitution shows he is just the kind of originalist jurist we need on the Court.”

Sen. Lee Statement on European Commission Google Decisions

Jul 18, 2018

“Today’s decision by the European Commission to fine Google over $5 billion and require significant changes to its business model to satisfy EC bureaucrats has the potential to undermine competition and innovation in the United States,” Sen. Lee said. “Moreover, the decision further demonstrates the different approaches to competition policy between U.S. and EC antitrust enforcers."

Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2018

Jul 12, 2018

“NATO and other mutual defense agreements have a purpose,” Sen. Lee said, “but until we no longer bear the greatest brunt of the financial burden, we cannot and should not consider expanding these commitments. The information included in this report would be instrumental in informing Congress’ oversight of our own military and defense spending and would help educate lawmakers on the return on investment we receive in exchange for our involvement in global alliances.”

Sen. Lee Introduces the Protect Utah’s Rural Economy (PURE) Act

Jul 11, 2018

“Rural Americans want what all Americans want: a dignified decent-paying job, a family to love and support, and a healthy community whose future is determined by local residents – not their self-styled betters thousands of miles away,” Sen. Lee said. “That is why I am introducing the Protect Utah’s Rural Economy Act today, a bill that would protect Utah from future abuses under the Antiquities Act by prohibiting the president from establishing or expanding a national monument in Utah unless the proposed monument has been authorized by an act of Congress and the state legislature.”

Sens. Lee, Rubio, Cruz Introduce Transportation Empowerment Act

Jul 10, 2018

“The federal government’s Highway Trust Fund is broke, and another year of band aid funding is not going to fix it,” Sen. Lee said. “Different states have different values and needs. State and local governments are perfectly capable of reflecting those values and meeting those needs with unique, customized transportation policies without the interference of politicians, bureaucrats, and special interests in Washington. The Interstate Highway System was completed decades ago, drivers are buying less gas, and the federal government has wasted far too much money on non-highway projects. It is just an outdated system that is long overdue for reform.”

Sen. Lee Statement on President Trump's SCOTUS Pick

Jul 9, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) gave the following statement Monday after President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court.

Sens. Lee, Markey Release Statement on Facial Recognition Technology Uses at Airports

Jun 22, 2018

WASHINGTON - Today, Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ed Markey (D-MA) released the following joint statement regarding Orlando International Airport’s recent commitment to use facial recognition technology on all international travelers traveling through their airport.

Sen. Lee Urges Quick Action to End Family Separations at Border

Jun 20, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) urged the United States Senate to do their job and take quick action on Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) Protect Parents and Kids Act, which would end the separation of children from their parents when families are caught crossing the border illegally. “Securing our nation’s border is among the federal government’s top priorities,” Sen. Lee said, “but we should also never lose sight of the values that make us Americans. The Protect Parents and Kids Act will end the separation of children from their parents while also improving the tools law enforcement agencies need to secure the border and adjudicate asylum claims. It is vitally important that the Senate swiftly pass this legislation which will bring great relief to thousands of people on our southern border."