Lee Disappointed in White House for Misleading on Gun Control

Jan 5, 2016

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday regarding President Obama’s announced executive actions on gun control.

Holiday Packages for Utahns Stationed Abroad

Jan 4, 2016

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been joined by many of you from across the state in extending a small token of gratitude to those Utahns serving our country. My staff began a project of providing holiday packages to our service men and women serving abroad. Reaching out to as many groups as possible, we hoped to be able to gather enough materials to reach a few dozen Utah heroes.

Do We Have the Courage to Earn Back the American People’s Trust?

Dec 18, 2015

Well, here we are again: another year of legislative dysfunction capped by an undemocratic, un-republican process that uses the threat of another manufactured crisis to impose on an unwilling country the same broken government policies that have repeatedly failed the people they are supposed to serve.

USA Freedom Act and the Balance of Security and Privacy

Dec 18, 2015

In the ongoing debate over how best to protect the nation from security threats like terrorism, while also protecting individuals’ civil liberties there has been a great deal of confusion about the USA Freedom Act, a bill that Congress passed and the president signed into law earlier this year. As one of the lead sponsors of the USA Freedom Act in the Senate, I’d like to clarify what exactly the law does and how it affects the delicate balance between security and privacy. 

Lee Calls For Democratic Process On Omnibus

Dec 17, 2015

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Thursday regarding the omnibus spending bill scheduled for a vote Friday: “The omnibus spending bill soon to come before us is chock full of controversial policies that never would have passed had they been exposed to the light of day,” Lee said.

The Secretive, Undemocratic Process Behind the Omnibus

Dec 17, 2015

The bill moving through Congress today and tomorrow – made up of the omnibus spending bill and tax extenders package – and the process that produced it are an affront to the Constitution – to they very idea of constitutionalism – and an insult to the American people.

Don't Tie the Next President's Hands on Education

Dec 15, 2015

As Ronald Reagan advised, conservatives should be ready to take half a loaf when they can get it, and then come back for the other half later. Unfortunately, the Every Student Succeeds Act that Congress passed this week prevents conservatives from doing exactly that. And it enshrines some pretty terrible education policy into law in the meantime.

Learning Can’t be Centrally Planned

Dec 11, 2015

This week, following the Senate’s vote of approval, President Obama signed into law the “Every Student Succeeds Act,” which reauthorized federal K-12 education policy for five years.

Defund Housing Rule through Spending Bill

Dec 11, 2015

Who should make local zoning decisions for a community, choosing what should be built, where, and who should pay for it: the residents of the neighborhoods that are affected and their local representatives or distant, unfamiliar, and unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.? 

Lee Calls For HUD Zoning Rule To Be Defunded

Dec 10, 2015

WASHINGTON - Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement Thursday, reminding Republican leaders that the upcoming government funding bill is the last opportunity conservatives have to stop the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s new “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Final Rule.”