April 2013 - Mobile Office Schedule

Mar 18, 2013

Senator Lee's Mobile Office schedule April 2013

Lee on ObamaCare: We Know What's In It

Mar 13, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of the "Restore Growth First" amendment proposed by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), which would defund ObamaCare in the Continuing Resolution.

Transcript of Senator Lee's Floor Statements during Rand Paul's Filibuster

Mar 11, 2013

The issues that we're discussing today are of profound importance to the American people for the reasons that Senator Paul has identified. American’s have every reason to be concerned. Any time decisions are made by government that impairs one of the fundamental God-given, protected rights that Americans have. Any time the government wants to intrude upon life, or liberty, or property, it must do so in a way that comports with time-honored, centuries-old understandings of due process.

Al Queda Gaining Influence in Syria

Mar 8, 2013

In a U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Forces Command Defense Authorization hearing on March 5, 2013, Senator Lee discussed the possibility that jihadist groups with ties to Al-Queda are gaining influence in the uprising in Syria. In light of this exchange, Senator Lee has serious concerns about U.S. tax dollars being used to support and arm these rebels.

Unlocking the Abundance Beneath our Feet

Mar 8, 2013

One of the most important aspects of our economy is the price of energy. It affects virtually every aspect of our lives. Higher oil prices, for example, lead to higher energy costs. Families are forced to spend more and more of their incomes on heating and electricity bills. Food and other goods become more expensive as the price of producing and shipping rises. Businesses are harmed as costs go up.

Lee Office Updates White House Tour Request Policy

Mar 7, 2013

In response to President Obama's announcement on March 5 that his White House will be canceling "self-guided" public tours as a result of sequester cuts, Senator Lee's office has updated their tour request policy. Senator Lee's Utah constituents are still welcome to request a White House tour, but until the president reverses this unfortunate decision, there is no guarantee that constituents will be able to have these requests fulfilled.

Lee Calls For Release of Drone Memos

Mar 6, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) called on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to release the Department of Justice memoranda that purport to provide legal justification for targeted killings of U.S. Citizens. Senator Lee awaits the release of these documents to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Lee Opposes D.C. Circuit Nominee Caitlin Halligan

Mar 6, 2013

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered a Senate floor speech in opposition of DC Circuit nominee Caitlin Halligan, citing the lack of need for an additional judge in the Court, and concerns with Halligan's views in previous cases. The full text of the speech is available below and in the video above.

Lee Joins Cruz In Demanding Vote On Delaying Funding of Obamacare As Part of Continuing Resolution

Mar 6, 2013

I will join Senator Cruz in objecting to Senate consideration of any Continuing Resolution without a vote on delaying funding of Obamacare. Defunding Obamacare is essential to restoring economic growth. At this time of fiscal turmoil, Congress shouldn’t borrow more money to pay for something we cannot afford. Although I would prefer a full repeal of Obamacare, we should at minimum delay its implementation until our country is experiencing real, sustained economic growth.

Lee Calls to Extend Comment Period for Gunnison Sage-grouse Endangered Species Listing

Mar 5, 2013

WASHINGTON - Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) recently joined six of his House and Senate colleagues to request a 60-day extension of the comment period of the proposed rules for the Gunnison sage-grouse in order to give local communities more time to participate in this complex ruling that could result in serious property use restrictions.

The letter sent to the Colorado Fish and Wildlife Service field director, Noreen Walsh, expressed concern about the impact this listing and proposed critical habitat will have on the local communities.  Along with Senator Lee, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Mark Udall (D-CO), and Representatives Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Jim Matheson (D-UT), and Scott Tipton (R-CO) signed the letter.

The proposed listing of the Gunnison Sage grouse was the result of a settlement agreement between an environmental group and the Fish and Wildlife Service.

“This practice, referred to as ‘sue and settle,’ is very problematic,” says Lee.  “In cases like this, an agreement is reached between Fish and Wildlife and environmental groups with very little opportunity for the communities most impacted by the decisions to have their voices heard.   By excluding local officials from these decisions, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service obstruct the ability of local officials to create conservation plans for threatened species even though local officials might have a better approach to protecting the species. ”

In order to counter the abusive “sue and settle” practice that is restricting property rights, stifling democratic processes, and draining the resources of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Senator Lee has co-sponsored the ESA Settlement Reform Act.  This legislation would protect the rights of local communities to weigh in, as well as improve transparency and reduce the cost of abusive regulations on hardworking taxpayers.  It would amend the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) to give states, counties and other affected parties a say in the settlement of certain ESA “citizen suits” and would prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from being used to fund these lawsuits.