Sen. Lee Celebrates Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act
February 2, 2022
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) celebrated the Ghost Army today as the group is honored with the Congressional Gold Medal. Sen. Lee championed this bill through its passage in the Senate and the House of Representatives and has been an advocate for the group’s recognition.
The Ghost Army refers to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133rd Signal Company Special, units dedicated to military deception. Through sound effects, prop vehicles, and false radio transmissions these units misdirected the enemy and contributed to the success of vital military campaigns. Due to the top secret nature of their missions, the units’ achievements remained classified for decades after the war.
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Sen. Lee previously highlighted the group in a 2021 Deseret News editorial. Of the group Sen. Lee wrote, “We give thanks to the brave and creative soldiers who lost their lives while serving in the Ghost Army … Staff Sgt. Stanley Nance, a Utah centenarian who fought alongside the fallen, described his role as one designed to save lives; to save the lives of other soldiers so that ‘one new wife or one mother (could be) spared putting a gold star in their front window.”
Regarding the bill’s signing, Sen. Lee said, “The Ghost Army’s sacrifice and dedication is a key part to our nation’s history in the Second World War. Men from Utah and across the nation joined together in creativity and craftmanship to counter cruelty and evil itself. They are heroes and it is fitting that they be recognized today with the highest honor Congress can bestow.”