Press Releases
Sen. Lee Praises Decision to Pull House Health Bill
Mar 24, 2017
SALT LAKE CITY – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Friday after House leadership canceled a vote on the American Health Care Act:
“The decision to pull this bill was a sound, commonsense one. We can now begin the hard and necessary process to get this right.”
“We will begin working collaboratively here in the Senate and with our friends in the House to produce a bill that will get 51 votes in the Senate and 216 in the House. The bill will reduce costs, save taxpayers money, and make our health care system great again.”
“The reality is that the current House bill was not ready for the House floor and certainly not ready for the Senate. We need an open, transparent, and deliberate process. The stakes for all Americans are simply too high for anything else.”
Sen. Lee Renews Call to Find Utahn Missing in Asia
Mar 23, 2017
WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) joined with seven Senate colleagues Thursday to reintroduce a Senate Resolution on the disappearance of BYU student David Louis Sneddon in China in 2004. An identical resolution unanimously passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in December, and a similar resolution introduced by Congressman Chris Stewart was adopted in the House of Representatives last year.
Sen. Lee Opposes House Health Care Bill
Mar 22, 2017
“I promised the people of Utah I would do everything I can to repeal Obamacare.” Lee said. “The American Health Care Act fails to both repeal Obamacare and replace it with an alternative that lowers costs."
Sen. Lee Praises Trump’s Budget
Mar 16, 2017
WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Lee (R-UT) released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s budget:
“President Trump’s budget is a solid step towards addressing the gross over-spending that is driving our national debt,” Lee said. "Many of the programs eliminated by Trump’s budget can and should be financed by state and local entities, and Trump should be commended for making some of the tough calls necessary to move our country in a direction of solvency, with the principle of federalism in mind."
Sen. Lee Fights to Repeal Costly and Useless NOX Rule
Mar 14, 2017
WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced a resolution pursuant to the Congressional Review Act Tuesday that will repeal a costly and ineffective Environmental Protection Agency regulation targeting the Huntington and Hunter power plants in Utah. The resolution of disapproval was introduced by the entire Utah Delegation.
GOP Senators Call on Sec. Tillerson to Investigate State Department Meddling
Mar 14, 2017
WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and a group of Senators called on Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson today to immediately investigate how US funds are being used by the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support left-of-center political groups and impress left-leaning policies on sovereign nations, regardless of their desire for self-determination. One such group is USAID multi-grant recipient, the George Soros-backed Open Society Foundations. Sen. Lee and his colleagues believe this behavior is unacceptable and must be halted immediately.
Sens. Inhofe (R-OK), Tillis (R-NC), Cruz (R-TX), Perdue (R-GA), and Cassidy (R-LA) join in signing the letter.
“Over the past few months, elected officials and political leaders of foreign nations have been coming to me with disappointing news and reports of US activity in their respective countries. This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US Government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles,” Sen. Lee said. “This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable and endangers our bilateral relationships.”
The letter calls on Secretary Tillerson to, “…investigate all funds associated with promoting democracy and governance and review the programs, accounts, and multiplicity of US entities involved in such activities. We must … review how all our tax dollars are being utilized in order to halt activities that are fomenting political unrest, disrespecting national sovereignty and civil society, and ultimately undermine our attempts to build beneficial international relationships.”
The most damaging consequence of the United States weighing in so heavily on one side of the political spectrum abroad is that we ostracize many foreign citizens who have traditionally supported strong relations with the United States. Such division allows aggressive opportunists like Russia space to operate and cause further damage.
Sen. Lee is hopeful Secretary Tillerson acts quickly on this issue and looks forward to continuing to work with him in the future.
Lee Statement on American Health Care Act
Mar 7, 2017
“This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for. It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction,” Sen. Lee said.
Lee Finalizes Joint Economic Committee Staff
Feb 22, 2017
WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) finalized his new Joint Economic Committee staff Wednesday, hiring Scott Winship as a project director. Winship was most recently a visiting fellow at The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity and formerly served as a fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Manhattan Institute, as well as a research manager at Pew Charitable Trusts.
Sens. Lee, Paul Introduce Military Humanitarian Operations Act
Feb 16, 2017
WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Military Humanitarian Operations Act today, a bill previously introduced by Sen. Lee and former-Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) in 2012. The Military Humanitarian Operations Act would require the president to receive congressional authorization before ordering the United States military on a humanitarian mission where hostilities are anticipated.
Lee Statement on Air Force Secretary Nominee Heather Wilson
Feb 15, 2017
I am grateful to Dr. Wilson for her willingness to take on this job and I was pleased with our discussion this morning on matters important to the Air Force. She is highly qualified and her wealth of experience in the Air Force, Congress, and private sector will serve her well at the helm of a large organization.