Press Releases
Sen. Lee Introduces Agency Accountability Act
Feb 3, 2017
Sens. Lee, Wyden To Lead New Public Lands Subcommittee
Feb 2, 2017
Lee Praises President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
Jan 31, 2017
“Judge Gorsuch is a tremendous pick for the Supreme Court and I look forward to doing everything I can to make sure he is confirmed by the Senate,” Lee said.
“I’ve had the privilege of arguing before Judge Gorsuch and he is extremely impressive. He is a prepared, thoughtful, and careful jurist, who has demonstrated a strong commitment to textualism and originalism. His opinions are well-reasoned and brilliantly written, and he has enriched the Tenth Circuit’s jurisprudence in a number of areas during his ten years on the court. He is a judge’s judge, who is well within the mainstream and always decides cases based on what the law says. He also always treats the parties appearing before him with dignity and respect.”
“Throughout 2016, I said the next President should pick the next Supreme Court justice. This vacancy was a central issue during the 2016 campaign and the people have spoken by electing President Trump and returning a Republican Senate majority. I applaud the President for his excellent choice, and I look forward to enthusiastically working toward Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation.”
Lee Introduces Bill to Lower Federal Construction Costs
Jan 30, 2017
Lee Praises President Trump’s “One In, Two Out” Regulatory Order
Jan 30, 2017
Sens. Lee, Grassley Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment
Jan 25, 2017
Lee Applauds President Trump’s Action on Modernized Mexico City Policy
Jan 23, 2017
Lee Introduces Global Trade Accountability Act
Jan 20, 2017
Senators Ask President Trump to Reapply Modernized Mexico City Policy
Jan 20, 2017
WASHINGTON - Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Steve Daines (R-MT), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Ted Cruz (R-TX), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a resolution Friday expressing the sense of the Senate that the Mexico City policy, or a modernized version thereof, should be permanently established in statute. The resolution also encourages President Trump to immediately take action to reapply the policy.
“There is long-standing statute limiting US foreign assistance from being spent on the promotion or provision of abortion services. Through executive memorandum, Mexico City Policy was created almost 33 years ago. During more than half of the time since the policy’s creation, it has been enforced as standing US foreign aid policy – for a total of 17 years,” Sen. Lee said. “The resolution is a Congressional support document, rooted in legislative and executive history, representing the will of the majority of Americans to see more restrictions on funding for abortion – restrictions President Trump can immediately impose – applied to our foreign aid expenditures of taxpayer dollars.”
The resolution encourages a new executive memorandum from President Trump today or in the coming days, reapplying the policy and its family planning foreign aid restrictions as it was during the Bush administration, while leaving the opportunity for the new administration to review the policy and apply an “improved version thereof.” This language lays the predicate for future legislative action to codify whatever policy the executive applies.
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan established the ‘‘Mexico City Policy,’’ which prohibits foreign aid for family planning purposes from being given to foreign nongovernmental organizations that provide or promote abortion as an option for family planning, regardless of the source of funding. When applied, this prohibits any foreign private or nonprofit entity from receiving US family planning foreign assistance that provides or promotes abortion.
The resolution states, “That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the President should immediately reapply and consider improving the Mexico City Policy; and (2) Congress should expeditiously consider statutory changes that permanently codify the Mexico City Policy or an improved version thereof.”
The resolution text can be found here:
Senators Ask President Trump to Reapply Modernized Mexico City Policy by Senator Mike Lee on Scribd