Press Releases

Lee Statement on American Health Care Act

Mar 7, 2017

“This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for. It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction,” Sen. Lee said.

Lee Finalizes Joint Economic Committee Staff

Feb 22, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) finalized his new Joint Economic Committee staff Wednesday, hiring Scott Winship as a project director. Winship was most recently a visiting fellow at The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity and formerly served as a fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Manhattan Institute, as well as a research manager at Pew Charitable Trusts.

Sens. Lee, Paul Introduce Military Humanitarian Operations Act

Feb 16, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Military Humanitarian Operations Act today, a bill previously introduced by Sen. Lee and former-Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) in 2012. The Military Humanitarian Operations Act would require the president to receive congressional authorization before ordering the United States military on a humanitarian mission where hostilities are anticipated.

Lee Statement on Air Force Secretary Nominee Heather Wilson

Feb 15, 2017

I am grateful to Dr. Wilson for her willingness to take on this job and I was pleased with our discussion this morning on matters important to the Air Force. She is highly qualified and her wealth of experience in the Air Force, Congress, and private sector will serve her well at the helm of a large organization.

Sen. Lee Introduces Agency Accountability Act

Feb 3, 2017

WASHINGTON – Senator Lee (R-UT) introduced the “Agency Accountability Act of 2017” Friday, a bill that would direct most fines, fees, and other unappropriated proceeds to the Treasury, making them subject to the appropriations process.

Sens. Lee, Wyden To Lead New Public Lands Subcommittee

Feb 2, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced they will be leading the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forestry, and Mining Thursday. The jurisdiction of the subcommittee includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service, as well as management of the Outer Continental Shelf and the National Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Lee Praises President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

Jan 31, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) gave the following statement Tuesday after President Trump nominated 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.
“Judge Gorsuch is a tremendous pick for the Supreme Court and I look forward to doing everything I can to make sure he is confirmed by the Senate,” Lee said.
“I’ve had the privilege of arguing before Judge Gorsuch and he is extremely impressive. He is a prepared, thoughtful, and careful jurist, who has demonstrated a strong commitment to textualism and originalism. His opinions are well-reasoned and brilliantly written, and he has enriched the Tenth Circuit’s jurisprudence in a number of areas during his ten years on the court. He is a judge’s judge, who is well within the mainstream and always decides cases based on what the law says. He also always treats the parties appearing before him with dignity and respect.”
“Throughout 2016, I said the next President should pick the next Supreme Court justice. This vacancy was a central issue during the 2016 campaign and the people have spoken by electing President Trump and returning a Republican Senate majority. I applaud the President for his excellent choice, and I look forward to enthusiastically working toward Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation.”

Lee Praises President Trump’s “One In, Two Out” Regulatory Order

Jan 30, 2017

“President Trump’s ‘one in, two out’ regulatory order is exactly what the American economy and the American people need. Last year I introduced the Regulatory Budget Reform Act, which would have accomplished much of what this executive order does, and would make the policy permanent.”

Lee Introduces Bill to Lower Federal Construction Costs

Jan 30, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Davis-Bacon Repeal Act Monday, a bill that would save American taxpayers billions in construction costs.

Sens. Lee, Grassley Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment

Jan 25, 2017

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced an amendment to the United States Constitution that would require the federal government to balance its budget each year. This amendment would put a stop to the current “status quo” of Congress spending far more money than the federal government takes in and would place strict limitations on the federal government’s ability to increase taxes, raise the debt limit, and carry out other actions that threaten our long-term fiscal sustainability.