
Discourso objetando a los nuevos museos Smithsonian

Dec 14, 2020

Señor/Señora Presidente, Reservando el derecho de objetar… Quiero agradecer el caballero de New Jersey por traer este tema al Senado hoy. Los programas culturales pueden representar una fracción pequeñísima de los gastos federales, pero son magnificados muchas veces por su impacto substantivo y simbólico.

Remarks Objecting to New Smithsonian Museums

Dec 10, 2020

Reserving the right to object… I want to thank the gentleman from New Jersey for bringing this issue to the floor today. Cultural programs may represent a tiny fraction of federal spending, but they are magnified many times over by their symbolic and substantive impact.

Honoring Rob Bishop

Dec 2, 2020

I rise today to honor my friend and colleague, Congressman Rob Bishop. After 18 years of service in the House of Representatives, he has decided to hang up his gloves and embark on his retirement. Rob has served the First District of Utah with integrity, tenacity, humility, and humor, and it is my privilege to have worked with him through the last ten years.

Floor Remarks on ALS Disability Insurance Access Act

Dec 2, 2020

It is a tragedy when anyone suffers from ALS. This progressive, neurodegenerative disease rapidly attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and eventually affects control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat, and breathe. And sadly, it is always fatal. The average life expectancy is only two to five years after diagnosis.

Judge Barrett Confirmation Hearing Speech

Oct 22, 2020

As I have said since she was nominated, Judge Amy Coney Barrett is one of the most impressive legal minds in the United States. She is a thoughtful and fair-minded lawyer, a loving daughter wife and mother, a devout believer in her faith and our Constitution. She was the most impressive judicial nominee I have ever seen in these hearings, and I’ve been watching them intently since I was a kid. Judge Barrett is going to be make an absolutely outstanding Supreme Court Justice, and the American people will be lucky to have her on the bench.