Heller, Lee , Four Senators Demand Transparency from Joint Committee
Aug 4, 2011
The American people have a right to know what their government is going to do with their tax dollars. Not only do closed door meetings by this Committee prevent the public from knowing how their dollars are being spent, but these meetings also have the potential to promote deals with special interests. Open door proceedings will allow the public to be their own advocates, rather than relying on games of inside baseball that too often dominate today’s Washington.
Moving Forward -- Day Lee Briefing 8/03/2011
Aug 3, 2011
Colleen Bangerter had many friends in many corners. And she had many talents, including the fact she was the state hopscotch champion in Utah in 1947. There are not many first ladies who can claim that distinction and she definitely did. She was the recipient of the highest award granted by the Boy Scouts of America, which she received a few years ago.
Lee Congratulates Barlow on Nomination
Aug 3, 2011
Today, Senator Lee congratulated David Barlow on his nomination as U.S. Attorney for the State of Utah.
All for a Cut of Two-Tenths of a Percent -- Day Lee Briefing 8/02/2011
Aug 2, 2011
Now, there are significant cuts discussed in this legislation as proposed, but I want to be clear on one thing. Although these cuts are large on a long-term basis, on a short-term basis, they are less so. On a short-term basis, within the next year, this proposes to cut about $7 billion, out of the fiscal year 2012 discretionary spending budget.
Budget Control Act is a 'Disappointing Failure'
Aug 2, 2011
The Budget Control Act represents a disappointing failure on the part of this Congress. We have squandered the best opportunity we had to fundamentally reform the way Washington spends money and put the nation on a sustainable path toward a balanced budget. Instead, this bill increases our national debt by more than $2 trillion and cuts spending by only $7 billion over the same time period. There is no reliable enforcement mechanism for future spending reductions. We only have the hollow promises from a Congress that created the mess in the first place.
Floor Statement In Memory of Colleen Monson Bangerter
Aug 2, 2011
Mr. President, I stand to address this body to honor the life of one of Utah's great citizens, a good friend of mine, former Utah Governor Norman Bangerter who announced on Saturday that his beloved wife of 58 years had passed away after a long-time battle with Alzheimer's disease.
Colleen Monson Bangerter having been born in 1935 was the mother of six children, the mother also of one foster son, and, in many respects, was the friend to all of Utah's three million residents.
The American People are Being Held Hostage by Debt
Aug 2, 2011
Maybe we should consider the fact that those who are being held hostage are those who will one day have to repay this debt. Considering that some of those people are not yet here because they have yet to be born and in some instances their parents have yet to meet. We have to ask the question whether they are being held hostage themselves - held hostage to a government that always demands more money so that it can exercise more power over us, thus restricting our liberty.
Budget Control Act is Out of Control -- Day Lee Briefing 8/01/2011
Aug 1, 2011
There are myriad opportunities to compromise within that general framework. We've offered that. We've extended that. Republicans have now submitted no fewer than two bills that have passed the House of Representatives to address the debt limit issue. Both of which have stopped dead in their tracks over here without further opportunity.
Elections Have Consequences -- Day Lee Briefing 7/29/2011
Jul 29, 2011
In a moment at which the House of Representatives has been unable to come up with another package, remember they did pass the Cut, Cap and Balance Act a couple weeks ago. There are a number of representatives in the House I'm told are now refusing to join on to any bill that doesn't include a Balanced Budget Amendment as part of the package. This pleases me, because this is what I've been saying since before I was sworn in to the United States Senate.