Sen. Lee Submits Jobs and Economic Stimulus Legislation

Oct 5, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee submitted legislation that would create millions of new jobs and inject $1 trillion into the American economy by significantly reducing the excessive tax on repatriated assets. Sen. Lee’s proposal would permanently lower the tax rate for businesses from 35% to 5% on money earned overseas and brought back to this country.

Questioning Chairman Bernanke -- Day Lee Briefing 10/4/2011

Oct 4, 2011

Recently, we received reports of the Fed’s role in bailing out banks in Europe to the tune of several trillion dollars. This decision was not made with the knowledge or consent of Congress. And with the banking crisis in Europe ongoing as we speak, we do not know what the Federal Reserve might be doing there now or in the future. Although the Fed may not be legally obligated to inform anyone of all of its actions, many are of such scope and importance that reason suggests that consultation with Congress would be a good idea.

Joint Economic Committee Hearing with Ben Bernanke

Oct 4, 2011

In 1977, Congress first gave the Federal Reserve a dual mandate to promote both "maximum employment" and "stable prices." Unfortunately, in the last few years, we've had anything but maximum employment and stable prices. Most Americans believe the prices of products and services they buy on a daily basis like food, gasoline, electricity, heating oil, and health care services have increased significantly in recent years and grown more volatile. Moreover, we have official unemployment over 9 percent and many Americans struggling to find work in a difficult economy. Therefore, in my view, the Federal Reserve is failing in its Congressional mandate and some action should be taken to remedy this.

Chinese Curency and Utah Prairie Dogs -- Day Lee Briefing 10/3/2011

Oct 3, 2011

Senator Lee will travel to Washington today where the Senate is ecpected to proceed to S. 1619, the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act.

Managing the Prairie Dog in Iron County

Oct 3, 2011

During August, I had an opportunity to see up close and personal just how damaging the prairie dog has been to certain portions of southern Utah. Both public and private lands have been affected and Utahns are right to demand that local and state officials do something about it.

Provo Town Hall Twitter Recap -- Day Lee Briefing 9/29/2011

Sep 29, 2011

Read Q & As from Senator Lee's town hall in Provo in 140 characters or less.

Another Town Hall, The Federal Gas Tax, Letter to President about Immigration -- Day Lee Briefing 9/28/2011

Sep 28, 2011

Eighteen Republican senators led by the Senate Judiciary Committee's ranking member, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, are questioning the Obama administration’s immigration policies, saying they go beyond the scope of the law and allow those who entered the country illegally to remain.

No Debate, No Amendments and, now, No Votes?

Sep 28, 2011

The Senate is often referred to as the world’s greatest deliberative body. Unfortunately, it is becoming less common for the Senate to deliberate on anything, at least in a public, open, and transparent way.

Obama's unserious plans are losing the future

Sep 27, 2011

In consecutive weeks, President Obama has presented two painfully unserious and economically misguided proposals. The first, his $450 billion "American Jobs Act," is another stimulus proposal, based on the ill-conceived notion that more government spending is the answer to what ails the economy. The second is the president's plan to raise taxes by $1.5 trillion on American job creators. Both plans are a far cry from "winning the future," as the president claims on the campaign trail.

Should the Rich Pay More Taxes -- Day Lee Briefing 9/27/2011

Sep 27, 2011

Last night Senator Lee voted against the Resolution making continuing appropriations for fiscal 2012 on the grounds that this vote is reflective of a broken process. The process of debate and offering amendments was replaced by last minute deals, and Senator Lee joined 11 other conservatives to reject this method of legislating.