Should the Rich Pay More Taxes -- Day Lee Briefing 9/27/2011

Sep 27, 2011

Last night Senator Lee voted against the Resolution making continuing appropriations for fiscal 2012 on the grounds that this vote is reflective of a broken process. The process of debate and offering amendments was replaced by last minute deals, and Senator Lee joined 11 other conservatives to reject this method of legislating.

Obama's unserious plans are losing the future

Sep 27, 2011

In consecutive weeks, President Obama has presented two painfully unserious and economically misguided proposals. The first, his $450 billion "American Jobs Act," is another stimulus proposal, based on the ill-conceived notion that more government spending is the answer to what ails the economy. The second is the president's plan to raise taxes by $1.5 trillion on American job creators. Both plans are a far cry from "winning the future," as the president claims on the campaign trail.

Continuing Resolutions and Coca-Cola -- Day Lee Briefing 9/26/2011

Sep 26, 2011

On the motion top table the House continuing resolution, Senator Lee voted yes because the bill was not consistent with spending levels passed in the Ryan budget plan earlier this year.

Red Tape Review -- Day Lee Briefing 9/23/2011

Sep 23, 2011

The Senate is expected to take up the House-passed Continuing Resolution today

Lee Endorses Johnson for Vice Chair

Sep 22, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee announced his support for Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to be Senate Republican Conference Vice Chairman.

Google Hearing Today -- Day Lee Briefing 9/21/2011

Sep 21, 2011

Today, Senator Lee will question Google CEO Eric Schmidt on the company's possible anticompetitive business practices during an Antittrust Subcommittee hearing.

Lee Statement on Schmidt Testimony

Sep 21, 2011

As a strong supporter of free markets, competition, and innovation, I was disappointed by the testimony of Google chairman Eric Schmidt. I had hoped to hear the company acknowledge the responsibilities that accompany its preeminent position in the Internet search market and address concerns many have raised about Google’s possible anti-competitive activities. Unfortunately, I fear that some of the testimony in today’s hearing may only encourage those who are calling for legal enforcement or government regulation. I am hopeful that we can avoid those outcomes, and encourage Google to take appropriate voluntary action to resolve these concerns.

Senator Lee's Google Antitrust Hearing Opening Statement

Sep 21, 2011

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) today delivered the following opening statement at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill. Lee, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, called for the oversight hearing on Google to review the company's fair competition practices.

A Pro-Growth Jobs Agenda

Sep 21, 2011

President Obama began and ended his speech last Thursday by correctly identifying America's unemployment problem as a crisis that deserves urgent action by Congress. After two and a half years, it's encouraging that the President finally recognizes the true magnitude of our job shortage. Unfortunately the President's proposal was a predictably disappointing iteration of the failed economic prescriptions he offered in 2009.

An Obama Speech, Buffet Tax, Prairie Dogs, and Google -- Day Lee Briefing 9/20/2011

Sep 20, 2011

The President's speech outlined enormous tax increases, more budgeting gimmicks, and no real plan for deficit reduction. He ignores entitlement spending, the greatest driver of our annual deficit. There is no mention of Social Security - which could be made solvent for the next 75 years with a few relatively modest adjustments - and reduces Medicare and Medicaid spending by just 3% over the next decade. That's not deficit reduction.