Press Releases
Lee: Timing of Immigration Hearing “Completely Inadequate”
Apr 10, 2013
A single hearing scheduled so quickly to discuss legislative language that is not yet even available is completely inadequate for Senators or the American people to get answers to the many questions a bill of this magnitude will inevitably raise. We could not possibly have a meaningful hearing with a substantive discussion of what will surely be over 1,000 pages of provisions we haven't even yet seen.
Lee: We have no intention of preventing debate or votes on gun control bills
Apr 10, 2013
For several weeks now, Washington and the rest of the country have been debating several new gun control proposals. Along with a number of my colleagues, including the Minority Leader, I have declared my intention to resist an immediate vote on any new restrictions that would serve primarily to limit the freedoms of law-abiding citizens rather than reduce violent crime.
Senator Lee Shares Voices of American Citizens Who Want to Protect 2nd Amendment
Apr 10, 2013
The President has spent several weeks evoking the tragedy at Sandy Hook and highlighting the voices of the victims in an effort to promote his gun control proposals. But he has not explained to the American people how any of his new gun control measures would have prevented that or any other terrible tragedy or reduced gun violence in any measurable way.
Lee: We Have Been Voting On and Debating Guns for Weeks
Apr 9, 2013
Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) shot back against misleading claims by President Obama and top congressional Democrats that Republicans are blocking votes or debate on new gun control legislation.
Lee Praises Momentum for Protecting Second Amendment Rights, Launches #Protect2A
Apr 8, 2013
Americans know the true meaning and purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee our right to self-defense in our system of self-government. We’re asking citizens to share their stories about what the Second Amendment means to them and why they feel the Senate should protect their 2A rights.
Lee Opposes UN Arms Trade Treaty
Apr 3, 2013
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is deeply flawed, which is why a majority of senators recently voted to stop the administration from continuing to push it
Lee Responds to President’s Call to Restrict Gun Rights
Mar 28, 2013
The gun control proposals the president is calling for Congress to pass would primarily serve to reduce the constitutionally protected rights of law-abiding citizens while having little or no effect on violent crime.
Lee Offers Amendment to Protect 2nd Amendment Rights
Mar 23, 2013
Senate Democrats blocked a vote today on an amendment offered by Senator Lee (R-UT) to create a budget point of order against any future legislation that restricts the rights of Americans to own a firearm.
Lee Gets Vote on Amendment to Increase PILT Payments
Mar 23, 2013
Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) received a vote on his amendment to ensure that Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments are roughly equivalent to the lost property tax revenues. The amendment passed in a voice vote.
Lee Gets Vote on Amendment to Protect National Security from Dangerous Debt
Mar 23, 2013
Tonight, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) received a vote on his amendment to create a point of order against considering any budget where outlays for net interest payments on the debt exceed outlays for national defense in any year of the budget window. The motion failed in a vote of 53 to 46.