Press Releases
Lee Praises Momentum for Protecting Second Amendment Rights, Launches #Protect2A
Apr 8, 2013
Americans know the true meaning and purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee our right to self-defense in our system of self-government. We’re asking citizens to share their stories about what the Second Amendment means to them and why they feel the Senate should protect their 2A rights.
Lee Opposes UN Arms Trade Treaty
Apr 3, 2013
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is deeply flawed, which is why a majority of senators recently voted to stop the administration from continuing to push it
Lee Responds to President’s Call to Restrict Gun Rights
Mar 28, 2013
The gun control proposals the president is calling for Congress to pass would primarily serve to reduce the constitutionally protected rights of law-abiding citizens while having little or no effect on violent crime.
Lee Gets Vote on Amendment to Increase PILT Payments
Mar 23, 2013
Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) received a vote on his amendment to ensure that Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments are roughly equivalent to the lost property tax revenues. The amendment passed in a voice vote.
Lee Gets Vote on Amendment to Protect National Security from Dangerous Debt
Mar 23, 2013
Tonight, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) received a vote on his amendment to create a point of order against considering any budget where outlays for net interest payments on the debt exceed outlays for national defense in any year of the budget window. The motion failed in a vote of 53 to 46.
Lee Offers Amendment to Protect 2nd Amendment Rights
Mar 23, 2013
Senate Democrats blocked a vote today on an amendment offered by Senator Lee (R-UT) to create a budget point of order against any future legislation that restricts the rights of Americans to own a firearm.
Lee Applauds Senate for Debating a Budget
Mar 22, 2013
The United States Senate is famously referred to as the “world’s greatest deliberative body.” For the first time in four years, this great institution will live up to its reputation, as it moves to debate a federal budget. The budget is the one bill every year to which any Senator can offer an amendment on almost any topic.
Lee Votes "No" on Jewell Nomination
Mar 21, 2013
The Secretary of the Interior exercises enormous influence and power over the daily lives of Utahns. The decisions made at the Department of the Interior impact our economy and citizens in significant ways. These decisions determine whether families can continue to use roads to reach hunting areas that have been used for generations or whether ranchers can continue to graze cattle on land that they have used for decades. The department's policies also dramatically impact whether communities will have the necessary resources to fund schools and other local priorities. The Secretary's sweeping authority and my duty to the citizens of Utah require that I hold any nominee to a very high standard. Ms. Jewell is an impressive candidate. Her experience as CEO of REI is solid. However, her experience in public land policy involves active participation in organizations that continually sue to restrict access to public land and prevent development of natural resources in Utah and across the West. Her public land policy experience raised serious questions that were not adequately addressed before today's business meeting. For these reasons I oppose her appointment. If she is confirmed, I will make every effort to work with Ms. Jewell on these critical issues which impact Utah and the nation.
Ranking Member Lee Questions American Airlines/US Airways Merger Hearing Witnesses
Mar 19, 2013
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, questioned witnesses in the hearing titled: "The American Airlines/US Airways Merger: Consolidation, Competition, and Consumers."
Lee on ObamaCare: We Know What's In It
Mar 13, 2013
Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of the "Restore Growth First" amendment proposed by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), which would defund ObamaCare in the Continuing Resolution.