Press Releases

Lee Delivers Remarks on Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Apr 18, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered the following remarks in a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting regarding the bipartisan Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act of 2013 (ECPA). Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) and Senator Lee are co-sponsors of the legislation.

Lee Statement on Gun Bill Votes

Apr 17, 2013

Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook, we all wanted to find answers that would reduce crime and prevent the next senseless act of violence. Unfortunately, the Senate did not consider any proposals that would achieve these objectives. Instead, the primary effect of most of the bills we voted on today, including the expansion of background checks, was to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Lee Statement on Release of Immigration Bill

Apr 16, 2013

As of this afternoon, senators have received only a set of talking points promoting the new immigration proposal. Once it has been released, I strongly encourage my colleagues to read the bill and then decide for themselves whether this reform will accomplish what proponents are promising. It is unfortunate that we have so little time to digest and evaluate such an expansive piece of legislation before we hold our initial committee hearing. As senators, it is our duty to read the bill and fully understand the impact it will have on our immigration system before casting votes.

Lee Signs Letter Condemning IRS Warrantless Searches

Apr 16, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (UT) joined several of his colleagues in sending a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), condemning their practice of accessing citizens’ private electronic communications, including emails, without a warrant.

Lee, Paul, Cruz: Senate to Vote on Gun Bill No One Has Read

Apr 11, 2013

This morning the Senate will vote on the motion to proceed to the firearms bill (S.649). It is expected that the Toomey-Manchin provision announced yesterday will replace the current language regarding background checks.

Lee: "Don't the American people deserve to know what we are voting on?"

Apr 11, 2013

As I have argued on this floor, in the national media, and back home in Utah, we should not be legislating by using closed door, back room deals away from the eyes of the American people. We should not be voting before we understand exactly how these proposals will affect the rights of law abiding citizens and whether we can say with any level of certainty that they will reduce crime.

Lee: Timing of Immigration Hearing “Completely Inadequate”

Apr 10, 2013

A single hearing scheduled so quickly to discuss legislative language that is not yet even available is completely inadequate for Senators or the American people to get answers to the many questions a bill of this magnitude will inevitably raise. We could not possibly have a meaningful hearing with a substantive discussion of what will surely be over 1,000 pages of provisions we haven't even yet seen.

Senator Lee Shares Voices of American Citizens Who Want to Protect 2nd Amendment

Apr 10, 2013

The President has spent several weeks evoking the tragedy at Sandy Hook and highlighting the voices of the victims in an effort to promote his gun control proposals. But he has not explained to the American people how any of his new gun control measures would have prevented that or any other terrible tragedy or reduced gun violence in any measurable way.

Lee: We have no intention of preventing debate or votes on gun control bills

Apr 10, 2013

For several weeks now, Washington and the rest of the country have been debating several new gun control proposals. Along with a number of my colleagues, including the Minority Leader, I have declared my intention to resist an immediate vote on any new restrictions that would serve primarily to limit the freedoms of law-abiding citizens rather than reduce violent crime.

Lee: We Have Been Voting On and Debating Guns for Weeks

Apr 9, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) shot back against misleading claims by President Obama and top congressional Democrats that Republicans are blocking votes or debate on new gun control legislation.