Press Releases

Lee Statement on Gosnell Verdict

May 13, 2013

This case has always been about more than one man. It’s about an unaccountable industry that for too long has preyed upon the vulnerable and the innocent. We must take steps in coming months and years to end the decades of corruption and violence in America's late-term abortion industry. Whatever our views on abortion rights, we can all agree no one has the right to operate an unsanitary, unsafe abortion clinic, and government at all levels has a compelling interest in protecting innocent women and children from anyone who would.

Lee Delivers Remarks, Calls For Step-By-Step Immigration Approach

May 9, 2013

Today, Senator Lee delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Senate Judiciary executive business meeting and filing deadline for amendments S.744, the "Gang of Eight" immigration proposal. His remarks as prepared for delivery are available below.

Lee, Graham, Cruz Request Confirmation on Religious Liberties Policy From Hagel

May 8, 2013

Today, Senators Lee (R-UT), Graham (R-SC), and Cruz (R-TX) released a letter they sent to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel requesting confirmation of the rights of members of the armed services to practice and share their faith . The letter is a response to recent media reports indicating potential changes to military regulations governing the discussion of religion by members of the military.

Lee Responds to Objection to Resolution on Illegal Abortion Practices

May 7, 2013

WASHINGTON – Today, an objection was filed to Senator Lee’s resolution calling for a review of public policies that led to the horrific and illegal abortion practices of Dr. Kermit Gosnell and others. Lee attempted to “hotline” the resolution on Monday evening, but an unknown senator objected to unanimous passage of the language. 

“It is difficult to imagine why anyone would object to a non-binding resolution calling on Congress to investigate these alleged disturbing, horrific, and illegal abortion practices committed by Kermit Gosnell and others,” said Senator Lee, who filed the resolution on Monday evening.  “With numerous reports of similar instances surfacing around the country, the need for greater regulatory oversight of these so-called clinics is so plainly obvious it strains the limits of disbelief to think all members of the Senate would not agree. The resolution is simply an affirmation that we as a country – a moral and compassionate society – have an interest in acting to save the lives of innocent women and children, and to prevent these kinds of heinous acts from happening to anyone again.”

For more on the resolution, click here.

Lee Introduces Resolution to Review Illegal Abortion Practices

May 6, 2013

Today Senator Mike Lee introduced a resolution calling on the Senate to review public policies that led to the illegal abortion practices of Dr. Kermit Gosnell and others.

Lee, Bishop ask FAA for clarification of conflicting statements on Ogden tower closing

May 3, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee and Rep. Rob Bishop released a letter they wrote to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Michael Huerta requesting information regarding conflicting statements about the decision to close the tower at Ogden-Hinckley Airport (OGD).

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Leahy-Lee Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act

Apr 25, 2013

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday favorably reported bipartisan legislation coauthored by Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to protect the privacy of emails, texts, social media posts and other electronic communications.

Lee Delivers Remarks at Comprehensive Immigration Reform Hearing

Apr 19, 2013

Virtually everyone agrees that our immigration system is broken and needs to be reformed. For far too long we have made it comparatively easy for people to cross our borders and stay here illegally, and comparatively hard for those who seek to immigrate to our country through established, legal channels.

Lee Delivers Remarks on Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Apr 18, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered the following remarks in a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting regarding the bipartisan Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act of 2013 (ECPA). Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) and Senator Lee are co-sponsors of the legislation.

Lee Statement on Gun Bill Votes

Apr 17, 2013

Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook, we all wanted to find answers that would reduce crime and prevent the next senseless act of violence. Unfortunately, the Senate did not consider any proposals that would achieve these objectives. Instead, the primary effect of most of the bills we voted on today, including the expansion of background checks, was to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens.