Press Releases
Lee Statement on Gosnell Verdict
May 13, 2013
Lee Delivers Remarks, Calls For Step-By-Step Immigration Approach
May 9, 2013
Lee, Graham, Cruz Request Confirmation on Religious Liberties Policy From Hagel
May 8, 2013
Lee Responds to Objection to Resolution on Illegal Abortion Practices
May 7, 2013
WASHINGTON – Today, an objection was filed to Senator Lee’s resolution calling for a review of public policies that led to the horrific and illegal abortion practices of Dr. Kermit Gosnell and others. Lee attempted to “hotline” the resolution on Monday evening, but an unknown senator objected to unanimous passage of the language.
“It is difficult to imagine why anyone would object to a non-binding resolution calling on Congress to investigate these alleged disturbing, horrific, and illegal abortion practices committed by Kermit Gosnell and others,” said Senator Lee, who filed the resolution on Monday evening. “With numerous reports of similar instances surfacing around the country, the need for greater regulatory oversight of these so-called clinics is so plainly obvious it strains the limits of disbelief to think all members of the Senate would not agree. The resolution is simply an affirmation that we as a country – a moral and compassionate society – have an interest in acting to save the lives of innocent women and children, and to prevent these kinds of heinous acts from happening to anyone again.”
For more on the resolution, click here.